Three Energetic Techniques


Reliably shift energetic blocks & harmful cellular energy and move your patients into a parasympathetic state of healing in under 5 mins using these three techniques. It doesn’t have to be complicated.


I’m here to show you how!


Three Energetics Techniques

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Two-Minute Tapping Technique

When I think to use these techniques

Why I use it: What's the outcome

How to: A step by step demonstration


“Even though I have these sensations and emotions I fully love and accept myself”
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Playing music as the resonance of 432Hz

Play at a little more than audible volume to create a soft sound.

How it Works



There are so many tapping sequences and techniques, but it doesn’t need to be complicated. This is the sequence I use on nearly all of my patients to more stuck energy and shift the brain's ability to step out of automatic negative thought processes.

New to tapping? Tapping is a repetitive energetic stimulus to acupuncture points that work on neurolymphatic channels. The body can get stuck in automatic negative thoughts and energies that keep our physiology in a heightened, pro-inflammatory state. These thoughts and energies cause us to get stuck in the limbic system of the brain where we’re less able to engage our frontal cortex and make choices that are helpful to move us forward.




The primary way our subconscious mind generates its automatic responses is through repetition. Repeating a mantra is one of those ways we can intentionally infuse an automatic thought into our subconscious mind. Combining a repetitive mantra with tapping (and breathing) activates our corpus colosseum. To do these things in combination the right and left brain must send information between them. From a trauma perspective, it is important to re-establish the flow of information from one side of the brain to the other. Trauma shuts down this flow to protect the brain, however, once the threat is removed, we must reactivate the information flow through the corpus callosum in order to integrate the experience rather than reliving the trauma through our automatic thoughts.

Our negative thoughts and emotions stem primarily from being unable to accept ourselves in the ugly moments. It's for that reason that this is my favourite mantra to use with patients:

“Even though I have these sensations & emotions ~ I fully love and accept myself”

The Resonance of 432 Hz

The Resonance of 432 Hz


I can geek out on this all day, and without reading a single research paper I know in my body the impact of this resonance. It is often said that 432Hz is mathematically consistent with the universe; that it’s softer, brighter, and shifts us into a state of balance and calm. A large and growing body of research has demonstrated the ability of 432Hz to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety while improving sleep and digestion. Sounds a lot like parasympathetic activation doesn’t it?!

The vagus nerve has an auricular branch that is acutely able to sense 432 Hz. It sends the message it’s received directly to the vagus nerve, turning it on so the body can go about the business of healing.

Shift Blocks & Clear Cellular Memory

Using these three energetic techniques is a powerful way to shift your patient's state during their visit. It also provides them with a tool they can use at any given moment.

Shifting our patients' state is essential.

True healing comes when we shift that stuck energy, then clear the cellular memory.

There are many techniques that I have come to know and love in my practice to do just that. It’s been so effective with the most complex patients that my practice is bursting at the seams and practitioners, just like you, are constantly asking me to share what I do.

Well, its finally happening!


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